In a world where food plays a central role in our health and well-being, the gluten-free diet is growing in popularity. Whether you're diagnosed with celiac disease, gluten-sensitive, or simply looking to improve your diet, understanding how to eat gluten-free can transform your life.

What is gluten ?

Gluten is a group of proteins found in certain grains such as wheat, barley, rye, oats and spelt. It acts like a glue, helping foods maintain their shape and giving an elastic texture to baked goods such as bread, pizza, and pastries. However, gluten is not limited to these products: it can also be found in many unsuspected industrial foods such as soups, spices, sauces, chocolates, cold meats and even beer.

For some people, gluten can be problematic. It is the cause of celiac disease, a chronic autoimmune disease of the intestine. 600,000 French people are affected by this disease, which manifests itself with severe digestive symptoms. In addition to this, some people may be sensitive to gluten without having the condition, but still experience similar symptoms.

The benefits of eating gluten-free

For those diagnosed with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, eliminating gluten is essential to avoid symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating and nutritional deficiencies. Even for people without these conditions, adopting a gluten-free diet can have benefits:

1. Improved digestion: Reducing processed foods high in gluten can improve digestive health by promoting a more natural, less processed diet.

2. Increased Energy: Some find they feel more energetic and less tired by eliminating gluten from their diet.

3. Reduced inflammation: For those suffering from certain conditions, a gluten-free diet can help reduce inflammation.

4. Resolving health conditions: Gluten-free products can be effective in resolving various health conditions, including digestive, joint, neurological, psychiatric and dermatological.

The gluten-free section

The online delicatessen Sur le Sentier des Bergers offers you a section of gluten-free foods. Ideal for people with intolerances, this gluten-free product section allows you to make a complete meal: aperitif, starter, main course, dessert, gluten-free. These products are handcrafted in France or Italy and have thegluten-free” label.

Tips for a gluten-free diet

1. Read labels: Learn to identify hidden sources of gluten in food products.

2. Cook at home: Preparing your own meals allows you to control ingredients and avoid cross-contamination.

3. Experiment with new recipes: Try new recipes and ingredients to make your gluten-free diet exciting and varied.

4. Educate yourself and plan: Learn about restaurants with gluten-free options and plan your meals in advance to avoid unforeseen events.

By adopting a gluten-free diet, you can not only avoid digestive discomfort and health complications associated with gluten, but also discover a multitude of delicious and nutritious new foods!

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