We give you the homemade recipe to make 100% natural scented candles, by recycling our glass jars.

Tip: once you have finished the jars of tapenade or pasta sauces Sur le Sentier des Bergers, wash them and use them to make homemade candles!
To make homemade candles, you will need the following accessories:
- A saucepan
- A container (pourer if possible) to melt the wax in a bain-marie
- Wax in pastilles: soy wax, beeswax, mimosa wax ... it's your choice! In our case, we used soy wax.
- Candle wicks: easily found in creative hobby stores or on www.terre-de-bougies.com
- Skewers or Chinese chopsticks
- Scotch
- Oil-based food coloring or colored grease pencils
- Essential oils (optional)
- Candle glasses, which will become candles - a great way to reuse empty jars On the Shepherd's Trail!
STEP 1: Prepare the candle glasses
Place the metal part of the wicks at the bottom of the candle glass. Place a skewer or a chopstick across the candle glass and tape the top of the wick to the chopstick to keep the wick straight. It should be well drawn and straight.

STEP 2: Melt the wax
The amount needed will depend on the type of wax used. On average, it will be necessary to measure twice the capacity of the glass. Measure the capacity of the candle glass by pouring water into it. Pour the water into a measuring cup. It will be necessary to measure the double of this capacity for the wax.
If you use soy wax and On the Shepherd's Trail jars, it’s very easy! 500g of soy wax will fill exactly 2 jars of 250ml (large format, i.e. 180g of Sur le Sentier des Bergeres products) + 2 jars of 125ml (small format, i.e. 90g of product).
500g of soy wax will therefore make 4 candles!
To melt the wax, fill your saucepan halfway with water. Then place the container that contains the wax pellets to melt it in a water bath over low heat.
Use a metal spoon or spatula to mix the wax. Once the wax is melted, you can color and flavor it.
To color the candle, there are two options: food coloring or grease pencils. Be careful not to use water-based dye, you need to find oil-based dye. Since it is difficult to find oil-based dye, another option is to use colored grease pencils.

SIf you use food coloring, pour a few drops into the wax and then adjust the color to your preference.
If you are using grease crayons, cut pieces of the crayons and put them in the wax. Small pieces of pencil are enough!
Remember to stir well so that the ingredients mix well.
You can then perfume your wax by adding a few drops of essential oil: for 200g of wax, add 5 drops for a medium scented candle and 10 drops for a well scented candle.
STEP 3: Pour in the wax
Place your candle glasses in a place where you can leave them without touching them for a few hours. It is important not to touch them before the wax is completely dry!
Pour the wax into the glasses, holding the wand firmly on top.
Pour to the desired height.

STEP 4: Let cool
Let the wax cool for at least 3 or 4 hours at room temperature. However, I advise you to let it cool overnight.

Your candles are ready! You can now light them, enjoy them, or offer them to loved ones!
Thanks to these jars, the candles are reclosable after use.